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Gunter's Space Page

Gunter's Space Page is a leading source of information on spaceflight, satellites, and launch vehicles. Since its inception in 1996, Krebs has meticulously updated this platform, making it a go-to destination for space enthusiasts and professionals alike.

Gunter's Space Page is a leading source of information on spaceflight, satellites, and launch vehicles. Since its inception in 1996, Krebs has meticulously updated this platform, making it a go-to destination for space enthusiasts and professionals alike.


Gunter’s Space Page, curated by Gunter Krebs, a physicist and programmer from Germany, is a leading source of information on spaceflight, satellites, and launch vehicles. Since its inception in 1996, Krebs has meticulously updated this platform, making it a go-to destination for space enthusiasts and professionals alike.


Satellite Directory

A highlight of the website is its extensive satellite directory, boasting details of over 10,000 payloads. This section offers:

  • Comprehensive payload entries with details like name, purpose, operator, manufacturer, launch details, and more.
  • Organized views by country, type, and launch year.
  • Links to additional resources like official sites, articles, and images.

Launch Vehicle Directory

Those interested in the machinery that propels these satellites will find the launch vehicle directory insightful. It includes:

  • Data on 500+ rockets and missiles used or intended for space launch.
  • Detailed specs such as name, stages, engines, thrust, payload capacity, and launch history.

Space Launch Chronology

Offering a historical timeline, this section showcases:

  • All orbital launches and attempts since 1957.
  • Vital information including launch date, payload details, orbit parameters, and mission outcomes.

User Experience

Visitors to Gunter’s Space Page are greeted with:

  • A clean, user-friendly design.
  • Structured data displays for easy navigation and comprehension.
  • An ad-free environment - although donations are welcome.


This platform isn’t just a labor of love for Krebs. It’s a recognized tool in the space industry:

  • Frequently cited by organizations and individuals in the space sector.
  • Recipient of multiple awards for its quality and comprehensive content.


Gunter’s Space Page stands out as an essential resource for delving into the intricate world of space exploration. Its expansive data, curated by the dedicated Gunter Krebs, ensures that it remains a top recommendation for both

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